too fly foundation, inc.

Over the past three years, the Too Fly Foundation has provided passports and travel grants to over 170 students in underserved communities, wishing to study or volunteer abroad. We understand that travel can be a privilege—financially and mentally. Too Fly Foundation was started to bridge that gap and provide resources and opportunity. We believe that the gift of travel can transform the minds and creativity of young people. Research continues to show that travel makes students more likely to seek and stay in higher education, take on more leadership roles and be role models of advocacy and empathy.

It is our mission to mold and transform the next generation of leaders and global change agents. Below we share more on how we continue to accomplish just that!

the sky is the limit ✈





We touch down, we pour up, we give back. Who said giving back isn't fun? Nationwide, the Too Fly Foundation is cultivating a passion of travel in creativelyLIT ways--from happy hours to brunches to day parties. Every dollar raised at a Too Fly Fundraiser is given to empower the next generation of global leaders.



Too Fly is taking middle school and high school students in Dallas, TX to new heights through our Too Fly Flight Academy. Partnering with schools serving underserved students. From travel etiquette to cultural immersion experiences to scholarship funding, we are showing young people that there is a bigger world to explore.


“In terms of feedback, I personally feel the [too fly flight academy] was executed to perfection. the event itself was dope! I think the kids were able to receive enough information and ultimately have some relevant fun.”

marcus guilliam, Executive Director, The Southside Aviator